Monday, May 22, 2006


I read somewhere yesterday that 2006 is the ‘Year of the Blog’.
Personally l’m not surprised by this as most of my family are online and quite active in the ‘blogosphere’. Irony is that now we seem to know more about each other than ever before!
Personally l think blogging has many good points as well as also being a creative outlet for tinkering around with graphics.
Who would have imagined 20 years ago you could sit in your own room and share thoughts and events with people from almost any part of the globe.
Of all the IT innovations the ‘blog’ has virtues. People are actually sitting down and being creative with language – something l thought was a dying art with texting as its death knell. People have become diarists – recording their lives and feelings unashamedly. They read the writings of others – contribute to others work and learn of other peoples experiences. Gardens, holidays, birthdays, poetry – you name it and it gets blogged up – and if it is sometimes a bit self-indulgent – so what – the feel good factor is worth it. It’s a really good place – a public refuge - to moan and shout about work, relationships, failures, frustrations and the downright dross aspects of life.
Somehow there is a feeling of satisfaction from airing your life in public – a sense of belonging to something more than our own four walls. Good therapy even if we are fast becoming nosy parkers on an industrial scale. Me - I’m off to iron the new lace curtains I’ve had made for my screen.

1 comment:

HORIZON said...

That's the best bit about it Connie. Thank you for logging in ~ it's nice to make new friends.

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