Friday, October 07, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011's Friday!

What a week. While the rest of the country has been basking in glorious sunshine with soaring temperatures we have had the usual ragged clumps of broken cloud blowing over – sun occasionally colouring the land in bright shifting patches but mostly the world has been grey and windswept. I did manage to get a few wash loads hung out on the line this past week – the wind blew fitfully enough to dry the lot so l was pleased.
Update on the bathroom refit : After lots of measuring, discussion and basic sketching for our bathroom we are venturing across the water tomorrow to visit a large showroom full of bathroom furniture, etc. This will give us an idea of what might work- l had thought of putting in an offset corner bath but need to see them now to be sure. I am the 'bath' person in this house- the boys prefer to shower so l definitely want one where l can stretch out and relax.
Our Sam is away out to school today dressed up as Willy Wonka- his school is hosting a 'Dahlicious' dress up party and all the children have to come dressed as a character from one of his books- Roald Dahl. The money raised with go to his Children's Charity raising money for the seriously ill – only £1 per child but with all the schools taking part this should really add up and what a great cause!
News: Our Sam got voted in for Pupil Council this year – he represents the children of Primary 5 for his school. We got a letter from the school which read,
“I am delighted to inform you that your child has been chosen to represent their class year at this session's Pupil Council. This is indeed a credit to them as they are not just popular members of their class, they have also been chosen by their peers as they have been judged to have many skills e.g. they are good communicators, are able to work as part of a team, have demonstrated that they have good ideas and are enthusiastic members of our school.”
Wow!! How proud are we!!
Oh, and look- it's raining again!!
Have a great weekend all!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Another weekend gone

Good evening all.
Another busy weekend almost done and Monday tomorrow already but - l won't think of all that just now. I'm just glad it's almost time for bed – I'm looking forward to snuggling up under the duvet with a good book. Today has been a monumentally wet and dismal day – the only word that seems to fit is dreich! It's hard to believe the reports of this wonderful 'Indian Summer' that's on its way to us especially after the fickle week of weather we've just had but way-hey if it happens.
Well, as you know from the last post, the bathroom window got put in last week by our friend Robert – l'm still taken aback every time l go in there – it's so wonderful to see so much more light!
Over the weekend hubby cemented around the outside and plastered around the inside frame – he still has the windowsill to do but things are starting to really take shape. Today our plumber 'friend of a friend' came round to size up the bathroom for fitting so now l'm on the hunt for a good bathroom suite at a reasonable cost.
Daniel went back to work on Saturday and is recovering well – it always amazes me how much faster you heal the younger you are. Thank you for all the well wishes.
Sorry to hear that Betty over at Country Charm had a fall – sending healing wishes across to you Mrs!
Our Sam had a fun time yesterday at a birthday party – he got to go to a Laser Tag Arena across the water! He had a great time there with all his friends so certainly has something to write about in his school journal tomorrow. He has also been practising the clarinet and guitar and tonight played and sang a song for us (on his Dad's electric guitar) – we were so impressed!
Incidentally our house name means 'House of song' in Gaelic – chosen by us because of our love for music. Hubby and l both play the guitar but he is the pro.
Okay, tired now – up the wooden hill (stairs) for me.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Let there be light!
It's my friend's hubby that has been putting in the window for us and he has done a fine job so far. Thank you Robert! Today he knocked through 16inches (depth) of stone walling and set the window into position so tomorrow he has to cut from the inside out and set the windowsill, etc.
My oldest son has been in the wars - he fell down a long flight of stairs at the railway station last week on the way home from work- ouch!! He had to go to the hospital and the x-ray showed three cracked ribs - one side is quite swollen and the other has a rib that moves around under his skin as he breathes - kind of scary looking! He has been prescribed some serious pain killers and is receiving much TLC (Tender Loving Care).
Earlier this evening our youngest also had his first music lesson on the Clarinet so we have enjoyed his first few musical gasps.
Apart from all the above we are doing okay - the garden is starting to feel tired and yawn looking to be put to bed for the winter. I have been crafting away each evening so will post some photos about that soon.
We are planning another trip down to Kernow (Cornwall) in October so l'm counting down the days- the break will do us all good (no pun intended son ;).
Below are some photos of Sam (son) & Ollie (granddaughter) playing with the Hot Wheels car set - these two always give me something to smile about.
♥ Love and blessings to you all for the coming week♥
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tegenaria domestica
I knew it was just a house spider but l haven't seen any quite that big! I looked it up to double check and found out that it is also one of the world's fastest spiders - made it to the Guinness Book of World Records, having clocked speeds of up to 1.73ft/sec – arghh!
Do you recall (above) when l said - 'time for spiders to start roaming around for mates' ? Well, l've just read up on these spiders and *queue scary music* this one could already have a mate which could be anywhere!! I keep shivering now and jerking my head uncontrollably as if it's crawling nearby looking for it's lost love that l have tossed outside – eek!
"The spider species Tegenaria domestica, commonly known as the barn funnel weaver in North America and the domestic house spider in Europe, is a member of the funnel-web family Agelenidae and a close relative of the hobo spider." Wikipedia.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Oh, the wind & the rain
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Healing thoughts across the horizon

Today in our home we will recall the moment ten years ago when our son shouted for us to come and see what was happening on the television. It was of course the minutes following the first of the Twin Towers being hit. We watched with millions in realtime as the horror unfolded – one of those moments that you will never forget and everyone remembers where they were. We stood transfixed as another plane plunged into a tower filled with life and humanity – it all felt so unreal.
Our world changed that day and the repercussions of it are still changing the world.
I grieve for the people who died on 9/11 as l grieve for those who died in the London bombings, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in India and for all those who are still dying in so many other places around the world.
Peace and love be with you all. x
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Post from yesterday- around the same time ;)

Today has been a blessed mix of sunshine and showers – the type of weather that creates wonderful contrasts - land, sky, sea and architecture woven theatrically together using just the power of light and shadow.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Still August - still Summer

Sitting here and looking out of my window towards the hillside l notice how it is starting to take on a richer hue- the trees have started to turn and with todays rain it just feels like Autumn is creeping slowly nearer – how quickly the seasons seem to pass.
We've had a wonderful summertime – camped down in Cornwall and bought a new tent; took our son (Sam) and granddaughter (Ollie) to the Sea Life Centre at Loch Lomond and spent many many other days down by the beach or at the parks. I took advantage of every good day and still am (taking advantage of these days) - hanging out washings and enjoying just being outside.
This past weekend our little town hosted the annual Highland Gathering where pipe bands and people from all over the world came to participate and enjoy. For me this was the highlight of our 'summertime' but also an event that tends to mark the end of it for us locals. The buzz and lively atmosphere fades as quickly as the visitors leave and the bunting is taken down to be packed away until next time.
On Saturday we had a big family dinner and watched the firework finale down by the waterfront– a balmy evening shared together as we waved at the coach loads of people leaving and watched as the ferries pulled out from the pier.
And on Sunday morning l drove through the town when there was not a soul- a different world – a sleepy world recouping.
I hope you have all had a lovely Summertime so far - that you have had good harvests and good times spent. ♥