Last week was a busy one again- so many school things on the go just before the holidays- Sam is on his school break now – thank goodness! We're planning another visit down to Cornwall this month so the car goes in for a service tomorrow and l've noticed that my lists of things to do and remember have started to grow. I've got into the habit of writing everything down so l don't forget. Lists for everything- from booking hotels to shopping and packing - it's just the way l function and l've noticed my older kids doing it as well.
I'm not sure if l mentioned but we had more insulation put up in our loft a few weeks back which meant clearing the whole space out – years of clutter and stuff - so much of it! It has taken a while but we've managed to go through most of it, spaghetti tangles of christmas lights and computer cables, transformers and chargers for goodness knows what!! Memo: ALWAYS label chargers/adapters etc! Old toys and bags full of baby clothes to exclaim over. We're nearly there now- have floored part of the attic space and boxes that are back up are only what we have decided to keep- most things have gone to the charity shop. I feel so much lighter!
It makes you wonder though about all those attics, cellars and cupboards, drawers and sheds all over the world filled with such clutter and keepsakes- blows the mind!!
Yesterday was Mother's Day here in the UK. I spent a quiet Sunday at home with the family- did a little gardening, listened to my new Adele CD from sonser and enjoyed a long afternoon nap. Hubby said l must have been tired as l was completely out of it for a couple of hours! He did make a splendiferous Sunday roast dinner though!!
Earlier when we were out the back my husband cut out an old bit of unused pipe that ran up to the outhouse - he lay it down the side of the house to take to the dump. I quickly picked it up and decided to twist it into a spiral to sit in the garden- a piece of art! My son and husband spent the rest of the day making fun of my 'spring' so l decided to call it that, 'SPRING' -lol.

They compared me to the woman on the movie TWISTER who had a garden full of wind chimes, etc. I didn't mind because l love things like that , things that are different. An old red phone box sitting in a garden or a claw foot bath filled with pond plants - these things make me smile. So l am thinking of making my own kinetic wind sculpture - will do a bit of research first though - there are plenty of things that you can recycle. Sometimes it's just finding the time.