A rose-bud, by my early walk
Adown a corn-enclosèd bawk,
Sae gently bent its thorny stalk,
All on a dewy morning....
Adown a corn-enclosèd bawk,
Sae gently bent its thorny stalk,
All on a dewy morning....

Yesterday l was away in Helensburgh with hubby. G had work there so l was up early to go along for the ride. We motored along the banks of Loch Eck, Loch Fyne, Loch Long and Loch Lomond - the water was so still it reflected like a mirror. We drove up over the Rest and be Thankful and past the Arrochar Alps- the Cobbler, Ben Ime, Ben Vane, etc.

I have to say though that it has been a most productive morning because apart from getting wee S to school l had cleaned out the fish tank, put a washing in, hung a washing up, got the rubbish bin out for pick up, scrubbed the cooker hob, swept the kitchen floor, watered the indoor plants- and all this before 8am! Wow- l must be a morning person after all.
Now l'm off to take a friend out to the garden centre and help her make up some hanging baskets- l'm doing the same for another pal on Monday! Any excuse for a visit to the garden centre for me!
Wee S has Scouts tonight and tomorrow l'm headed up to the city to check in on my older two kids.
Hope to download the photographs from yesterday A.S.A.P. and will add them to the next post.
Cheerio and bests for now.
...So thou, dear bird, young Jeany fair,
On trembling string or vocal air,
Shall sweetly pay the tender care
That tents thy early morning!
On trembling string or vocal air,
Shall sweetly pay the tender care
That tents thy early morning!
You are indeed a morning person....but a night owl too, I bet....
Always enjoy popping in to see what you are doing these days....
Marion and John from Wales will be arriving for a visit May 18th...we are so excited....Betty
Years ago when our daughter was a baby we went camping and didn't realize our wind-up clock was set 2 hours early! As we sat around the camp fire thinking it was only 8 pm, everyone else was heading for bed! How strange, we thought! The next morning our clock said 5 am and everyone was stirring about getting up. We thought, are they all crazy?! Hahahaha...the joke was on US!! The campground we stayed at was one that was completely destroyed by the eruption of Mt. St. Helens only a few years later. If time lasts for a few thousand more years, I don't think the beauty of that spot along the Toutle River will ever return to its former glory.
Hi Sarah,
We've made that mistake when the clocks are changed for daylight savings time. Sounds like you made the best of your "found hour" Love all your pictures, but the baby lamb is my favorite. So sweet!
Lovely blog - beautiful photos of Scotland - I've fond memories of sailing off the west coast, the Edinburgh festival and New Year spent in Aviemore - all when I was a student in London housesharing with a group of Scots, decades ago..:)
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