When younger my Sis and l used to call each other Snow White & Rose Red ~ it was also our favourite bedtime read. We enjoyed this story by Brothers Grimm so much that these names have stuck with us to this day. 'SW' and 'RR' for short ~ even when we Text!

My sister was Snow White because she was 'the blond' and l was Rose Red ~ incidentally 'RR' loved the outdoors and the garden :).
Rose Red and Snow White were as different as two sisters could be. Even so, they got along and, together with their mother, made a cosy life in their cottage in the woods.
We were fascinated by the pictures in the book as much as the story itself ~ both imagining such a home and we were able to relate to the strong affection felt between these two sisters.

"The two children were so fond of one another that they always held each other by the hand when they went out together, and when Snow-White said, we will not leave each other, Rose-Red answered, never so long as we live..."
We have not been together for years; 'SW' has lived in Australia now for 8yrs.+ and before that l lived for 10years in America. We spent time together for one day before she left, ironically l had just arrived home ~ very sad. However our bond is still as strong as it was in childhood ~ still checking in with each other every few days and always there when needed.
As l remember we were always a bit mad when together, once l remember standing on our Mother's kitchen table singing into bananas (makeshift microphones)! Far too many other shenanigans to mention and possibly not a good idea to blog.
NB: (New word for Tammy) Shenanigans: Mischief; prankishness.
Below is a countdown of the days now until Snow White and Rose Red are reunited. We both have three wonderful children who will get to spend a whole month together ~ l can't wait!
Sam loves this site below- he can pick a story to listen to. He turns each page with the mouse and enjoys much. Stories by the Brothers Grimm.

What a loving post! I always dreamed of having a sister. I adore my brothers, but that's not the same!
How wonderful that the two of you will soon be together again.
I'm going to check out that site for little D. We love the story of the Brementown Musicians!!!
My sisters and I were always up to shenanigans!!
Glad you two were that close!!
btw...I think you could put that ticker in your side or below bar if you want to keep it where you can see it...I've seen them on other blogs...just a thought...
I know you two can't wait, and I can't wait to hear what kind of shenanigans you get into after 8+ years!!!
I have always wished that I lived closer to my sisters. The military has kept us far from home.
That is beautiful. Just beautiful.
I can feel how excited you are about your sister's upcoming visit...it's wonderful that you'll have a whole month to catch up with all your news and just be together!!! I remember reading Rose Red & Snow White as a child and loved it! I bet you two will indeed be up to a few shenanigans, even if just for old time sakes! lol Hugs xoxo
The excitement in your post is contagious. We'll all be reading your blog each day to see what new shenanigans you and SW get up to. Looking forward to lots of photos, too.
How handy is SW with a paintbrush, or will all the renovations be finished?...lol
"Red is the rose,in yonder garden grows,and fair is the lily of the valley"..
You just made me think of those lyrics after years and years..I love the relationship you haave with your sister.Have Fun!..
Such a nice story. I am very happy for you being able to see your sister again. Enjoy yourself!
You've been tagged with the blogging meme!!
Wow what an awesome visit to look forward to.That was a great post it made me cry good things for you two. I love my sister,she is my best friend and a strong tower for me.A stable rock.She holds a place in my life that no one else can.I can count on her and I am blessed to have her.
Aw, Horizon, what a beautiful post. I love the way you two compared yourselves to Snow White and Rose Red!
It will be so good for the two of you to spend some time together.
Hi RR, finally got the mouse prized from Joes cold dead hand ok slight exageration lol, but loved it sis, very nice to know you love me so much but still less than I love you huh (again just kidding). All of these lovely comments too, maybe some of them will leave a comment on my blog now hint hint lol poaching ccmments not my style sis. Well better give the pc back to the boss and go pick up the kids, should be back online tomorrow pm as pc being fixed up tomorrow. Photo's and video's coming lol.
Love you with all my heart RR
from SW
My brother and I were close but I've always wondered what it would be like to have a sister.
I know you're counting the days.
Hi Horizon ~~ A lovely story about you and your sister. You must be so excited
that she is coming to visit you. I just
know you will have a wonderful reunion.
Thanks for leaving a comment. Glad that you like what you read here. Take care,
Hugs, Merle.
Hi Horizon, when I read your words I'm feeling like beeing in Britain! I allways mus laugh about the names of the fairy tales (German tales) that you give them. Most laughed I have about Little red riding hood. The German names are not like yours! They are so different.
I collect Children books and have a lot of books from Britain, all baught in Puplisher outlets on my holidays.
For weeks with your sister - that is lovely. I see my sister two times the year for some hours.
How lovely to anticipate a visit from your dear sister and kids. You'll have a ball! This is a great post about your wonderful relationship.
Love those Brothers Grimm :)
Ohhhhhhhhh! That was one of my favorite childhood stories, too. Good luck with the renovating! Hope to see you back soon!
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