Many people have said to me,“What a pity you had such a big family to raise. Think of the novels and the short stories and the poems you never had time to write because of that.”And l looked at my children and l said,“These are my poems. These are my short stories.” ~ Olga Masters
My wee 'S' has been suffering from a virus since the weekend. He has a rash from head to toe and is quite uncomfortable. We saw the Doctor yesterday and there is not much we can do about it except for lots of tepid bathing, Paracetamol and Calamine lotion.
G. and l have also been helping 'M' out with her University statement tonight ~ her application for nursing :)

'D' went back to his dorm on Sunday and has been busy with examinations. I called him earlier today and he was doing his food shopping :)

There are more storms and strong winds forecast for Wednesday/Thursday but these will mostly affect down south ~ look out Bob, Marion, Val, Snappy and Clare. Keep safe!
Our forecast is snow!
Bests all.