Daniel called me tonight- it is the first time that l have heard him feel a bit down since leaving for university. I worry for him and miss him so much as well.
It has rattled me a bit to hear him sound like this so l am thrilled to hear that he is heading home this weekend. I will be cooking up some great meaty stews and supplying non-stop hugs!
Who is Daniel?
He is very clever young man, extremely funny, good looking and loving. Who could ask for more in a son? Oh, yes and a tall boy too ~ just look at the picture ~ l am 5foot 9in. and still look short! LOL. The photo was taken the day we took him to his new dorm- look to the eyes- see how we both felt. It was hard to hold back the tears l tell you.
Bests all.
Hello Horizon ~ Have a wonderful weekend with Daniel home. It will get easier for you all and he will be home often, I imagine. You have some wonderful photos posted in your last few posts. I have been behind reading etc.
I loved the photos by the water. Enjoy
your craft with your daughter. Take care
Love, Merle.
This photo brought me right back to the day we left our son at his college dorm.
That was in 1989. It will get easier, I promise...
(Cook all his favorites and send goodies back with him!)
I remember my first year at college. I was so eager to get out of the house but the homesickness, especially my first quarter, was sometimes overwhelming. Of course, I got over it, as one does, but even now there are times when only Mum will do.
I remember that first year of college. Actually I guess I cried and didn't want to stay there pretty much after every vacation. It did get better though, by my last year!!!
I'm sure he'll appreciate the homecooking this weekend. That is what I always looked forward to the most!!
Wow, Sarah...you are 4 inches taller than me so I would look like the wee folk next to Daniel...I love that name Daniel, there is a wee grandson with that name that I adore!! He just lost his first tooth...next thing I know I'll be looking way up yonder to see him too...his dad is 6'5".....
You both have the same look myself and my two sons had when they each took their turn to move away from home...it is indeed very hard to see them go and begin their new life on their own! I'm glad to hear Daniel is coming home for the weekend...my two boys are also going to be here:-) Wow they sure grow them tall in Scotland...what do you feed your kids over there??? lol Hugs xoxo
Nothing beats a mum's warm hug and favourite home-made food!
He certainly is tall. I hope by now he's settling in.
Cute pic there. A nice looking yound man you have...
Its all those meaty stews and home cooked meals that make him so tall, no wonder the poor lad is feeling a bit down missing out on them. In fact I'm starting to feel a bit down after just writing about them.
Thats a great picture of you two.Have a wonderful weekend with your little sweety.
My Megan hasn't been here in over a month and I miss her really bad. Motherhood:)
Right as I type he will be home, glad for you both, may be just what you both need.
I'm sure you'll both have a great weekend and talk non-stop.
I remember Tanya ringing me once and saying she was homesick. Trouble was that she was in Canada and I was back here in Australia. Bit far to go for a weekend.
I'm sure Daniel won't feel so bad once he's had this weekend at home, and knowing that he can come home when he really needs to. It should also be easier for you, too.
Best wishes to Daniel all the way from Oz.
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