The hedgehog
At dead of dayfall the spiky rustler comes.
Stout and fussy, the pincushiony foodnapper.
Darkles down ditches,
Grubbling gardenwards.
A midnight rifler through black bin bags,
The scurrying spinysnorter sniffles and scuffles,
Then, gutfully, he porkles back
Across the slugslimed street,
Till, fearstruck by a blinding roar,
He bristleballs.
And is splattened.
Why did the pricklepig cross the road?
by Sara-Louise Holland (11yrs)
ARGHH! Why, why, why did he have to cross the road? I love hedgehogs!
Kids ‘tell it like it is’ as l well know. Not half an hour ago l asked my four year old what he thought of his Auntie being pregnant and he answered,
“No comment ~ it’s none of our business but you can ask me in the morning if you like.”
Where did that come from?
Incidentally the Hedgehog is the UK’s top ten garden creature.