Saturday, March 12, 2011


For the last few days my brain has been a maelstrom of activity-a thunderous chasm of details, ideas, stresses and strains- and not all in the correct order. I've felt overwhelmed! I've even lost some passwords for my computer again!

I think l need two heads- my brain keeps firing off in all directions and sometimes it is hard to sit down and get things in the right order. I get like this, become so enthused with ideas and creativity that l loose track of the job order and so l start to make lists... and lists on top of lists! You can actually see the build up of it all in 'real time' by the paperwork cluttering my desk.

I think it's the Libra in me that makes me feel so awash with it all- desperate to strike a balance.

On the news front, l've been watching the disaster in Japan and it certainly puts things into perspective. Watching that tsunami on television seemed so surreal to me- it's hard to imagine the impact and strength of it all and the nightmare for those people. My heart goes out to them.

It makes me feel thankful for this wee part of Scotland that l live in- thankful for last nights snowfall, thankful for this little bit of life that we have carved out for ourselves, because as quick as lightening it can all be ripped away and that does not bear thinking about.

So little things like loosing passwords and messy desks fall into insignificance when the bottom line swirls into focus – your family's wellbeing and the love that you share.

Take care all.


Rob said...

Passwords are a nightmare for sure. I think there is some sort of a saying about there always being someone in the world worse off than yourself. I guess lost passwords are nothing to what some people are having to put up with right now.

auntpearl said...

My dear sweet friend, Take a deep breath and relax. I hate to hear you are so stressed.
The Japan situation makes us all stop and think and appreciate. My heart goes out to all of them.

Try and take good care. Sending you big hugs,

MissKris said...

ARGGGGHHHHH! The frustration!!! I just wrote a LONG comment only to have it disappear! I should have my own computer up and rLunning next week and when I do I'll email you and let you know all the behind-the-scenes stuff that's been going on. Here we just found each other again, I don't want to lose contact. But my daughter's lap top is so unreliable for me and I don't have hardly any public access time on the computer in the lobby. But I'll write soon, dear Sarah. LOVED this describes me to a "T" at the moment. xxoo

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