I have always lived by the sea; can’t imagine living anywhere else.
When l got remarried 6yrs. ago we didn’t have much so l used to go beachcombing ~ l made frames from driftwood, strung shells together, varnished rocks etc. Our new home looked wonderful and quite artsy if l say so myself. I think my family were amazed every time they came to visit for it was all quite unusual and interesting. In some ways l miss those days when we had less, a lot less cleaning and fewer junk drawers!
Can you imagine if we were all the same and conformist? How boring and sterile the world would be. I say, choose to be a rebel ~ add colour and creative things to our homes and gardens. Bright and cheery things make you feel good, makes people stop.. and smile. Most of my blogger friends are like this ~ it’s so inviting and refreshing.
Nature is all around us, totally non-conformist and always looks wonderful! If you are looking for paints and colours that work together, step out into the garden, see what fantastic textures and ideas it has to offer ~ you’d be amazed.
Your sooo lucky to be living by the sea. I live inland and always have. I've never even seen it. Maybe one day I will be able to though.
Hello Horizon ~~ You are lucky to live by the sea and clever to make things from driftwood etc. I don't care much for your brother and the slug ~Yuk.
Glad you are enjoying my posts. I enjoy
doing them and looking for things to
post. I rarely know what it will be till the last moment. Empathy is a nice
word !! Take care, Merle.
I would love to live near the sea...I've only been to the Pacific Ocean when I visited my brothers in British Columbia and I loved it so much. You are so right, decorating a home with simple and natural things can be so much better than buying all those expensive decor items!!
If I lived on a beach my house would be Full of shells and such!!!
So glad you posted this as I learned something more about you. We live very close to the Pacific Ocean and go there often. I've read somewhere that the sound of the sea is one of the most soothing sounds on earth...
You are so right! Do you still have all the treasures you made?
I lived at the beach in Australia from age 12 until I married at 23 and came to the US. I've rarely seen the ocean since then, and as much as I love the country here, I miss the ocean so very much. Sue is right..it's one of the most soothing sounds on earth, and the smell of it is wonderful. You are very lucky to live by the beautiful sea.
I practically grew up in the Pacific Ocean and I miss it terribly. I try to visit any ocean at least once a year but it's not the same as the Pacific.
I used to be quite crafty myself making things with driftwood, nuts and a bit of wood carving. Those were the days when there was little money, but there were always things to create...I would just take a walk in the woods for my inspiration & supplies.
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